Look outside - is it dark already? If not, it will be soon and each day sooner because winter is coming. Luckily, that means that we will soon have a great excuse to eat lots of sweets, drink warm wine and light a fire in the fire-place.
You might have heard about the Cook-Off, a team-communication training we here at INCONTRO have developed in the beginning of the year. Some of our participants have loved it so much, they now want to do something similar with their whole team in the pre-christmas time, which is amazing. So we started working of developing this, creating recipes and thinking up creative challenges and soon we’ll start cooking with almost 40 people for a wonderful evening of pre-christmas fun and food.
If you now think: wow - I want to do this with my team as well! Well, don’t worry. We’re so happy with the things we came up for this, we want to make this available to as many teams, groups, organisations or companies as possible. Have a look at this neat one-pager and get in touch.